Monochrome and Photoshop experimentation

As you can see just a few posts down, I reedited some old portrait photos of a friend. Now, for some reason, I really like the look of long hair partially covering the face/eye of people because I think it adds a dramatic, mysterious, edgy look to the person. And when I think "dramatic, mysterious, edgy" look, a lot of times I also think of black-and-white images that just look "gritty", sort of like an action comic/manga. I decided to give some of the photos a monochrome conversion, and then the handdrawn effect that I previously used with another friend's pictures. For both pictures I used the same process: I edited the picture in Lightroom, converted the picture to black and white in Lightroom, adjusted the picture some more to have more contrast between blacks and whites, loaded the picture into Photoshop, added the handdrawn effect, and messed with the curves to add more contrast. I have to say, I absolutely love the results, see for yourself:

While I love the handdrawn effect's results, I still love the original black and white conversions I made that were the base images for the handdrawn effect images. Take a look here, I think you'll see why I love them so much, too:

Also, this was from a little further back, but I played around with black and white conversions with the subject facing away. For these images, I feel that facing away provokes ideas of reflection and thinking. I added the black and white conversion and softened the image to make this reflection and thinking appear to be about the past, locked in memories but distant and untouchable.

Reediting old portrait photos

Going back to older photos, I realized that I've not only been improving in photography. but also in editing pictures in Lightroom and Photoshop. So, I went back to some portrait pictures I took of a friend way back in January of this year and reedited some of them, since I realized I could do so much better now. If you've been to this site before and checked my portrait portfolio, you may recognize some of these images. I changed them last month when I made the first few edits, but I've gone back and looked through even more. It was mainly issues like having a natural looking white balance and contrast/shadows/highlights, but I also now add more stylistic/artistic elements, such as darkening the backgrounds or having too much highlight/blacks for dramatic effect.

I also have been playing around with monochrome conversions and hand-drawn like effects, more on those in a separate post!

More photos: