Reediting old portrait photos

Going back to older photos, I realized that I've not only been improving in photography. but also in editing pictures in Lightroom and Photoshop. So, I went back to some portrait pictures I took of a friend way back in January of this year and reedited some of them, since I realized I could do so much better now. If you've been to this site before and checked my portrait portfolio, you may recognize some of these images. I changed them last month when I made the first few edits, but I've gone back and looked through even more. It was mainly issues like having a natural looking white balance and contrast/shadows/highlights, but I also now add more stylistic/artistic elements, such as darkening the backgrounds or having too much highlight/blacks for dramatic effect.

I also have been playing around with monochrome conversions and hand-drawn like effects, more on those in a separate post!

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