First Street Refined Weekly Meet

After quite a bit of "planning" and talk, my university's official car club, Street Refined, held a meet that will hopefully become a weekly/bi-weekly event. The turnout was great. The parking lot of the Culver's we met at, a meet spot that we've used in the past, was completely full with the cars of our club members. It was an amazing turnout, and in addition, a great example of how diverse the car community is. Muscle, European, Japanese, spanning a range from a Nissan GT-R to a Honda Accord to Miatas to Mustangs, we're all one big happy family. 

It was a great night of seeing people again that haven't been seen for a while, and meeting new people who share a similar passion.

The Apache Trail

Arizona is a jewel. Besides the hot, desert summers, Arizona is home to beautiful sunsets, beautiful nature, and, for petrolheads like me and my local car club at Arizona State University, beautiful roads. One of these roads is the State Route 88, leading up to Canyon Lake and Tortilla Flats, and called the Apache Trail. On a spur-of-the-moment decision, a large group of us decided to cruise up there.  Despite having to wake up at 6am, my God it was worth it. Below in the pictures, I experimented with Photoshop a little, trying to get a "vintage" feel to the photos. The photos taken of driving were blindly done using my camera's automatic mode.

The road up to Tortilla Flats was beautiful, with beautiful views of Canyon Lake and the surrounding mountains. However, as it was the road leading to the lake as well as Tortilla Flats, traffic was encountered, so we took a leisurely pace. After a few snafus involving scraping and car parts, we all rejoined at Tortilla Flats, took bathroom breaks, and snapped a group shot before heading up the rest of the road. With less traffic, we took a more spirited pace up the road before turning back where the tarmac turned to dirt and heading down. We ascended again so we could go and take photos. 

The dirt area by the dirt road was like a Photo Mode scene from Gran Turismo. It was beautiful; the blue skies with wispy clouds, the impressive rock formations behind, and the desert flora dotting the landscape.

After talking and some casual photos, we moved the cars to clear space for one-on-one photo shoots. It was so much like a Photo Mode scene from Gran Turismo I could not believe it. The landscape was so perfect for photos. 

I look forward to the next time we head up the Apache Trail. It truly is a wonderful cruise. 

Vape Corps Grand Opening- Preview

Just in case I don't get around to editing all the photos from the Vape Corps Grand Opening meet, hosted by Fit Mob and Street Refined, here are some of the photos I've worked on. 

To help with the grand opening of Vape Corps, Fit Mob and Street Refined held a car meet+ car limbo contest on the night of their grand opening. Some very nice and interesting cars showed up, and the car limbo competition was intense. When I get to editing some more of the photos, a full write-up of the event will be posted, so stay tuned.

Automotive Photos from the Past Month

I'm not dead, I promise. Just super busy and slow at editing photos. Here are the pictures I've posted on my Instagram/Facebook, I posted these thinking I would be done with the rest in a week and I would have all photos and a write up on the blog, but clearly that hasn't happened. I promise I will work on them as soon as possible though.