And this is why I love rain and cloudy skies

I'm still working on the Penske Cars and Coffee photos, but these ones here are some of my absolute favorites, not only from this shoot, but also out of all the photos I've shot. This is why I love rain and cloudy skies for photography. Those conditions provide the perfect lighting and backdrop for moody images, with water droplets beading on surfaces adding to the effect. I just love how the water beads and flows across the body of the cars. Design and physics in motion.

I also had fun processing the photos. Monochrome was really suitable here; to be honest the Ferrari FF photos I think are the best photos I have ever taken and will be hard to top.

I also played around with extreme contrast and sharpness, which also turned out really good due to all of the colors. I have to say, I am in love with these rain shots. Too bad I live in a desert!

When taking and editing these pictures, I kept thinking of the E3 trailer of Forza Horizon 2 and all of the close-up shots of the cars with water droplets all over them, for some reason. Plus, the song "Revolution" was also looping in my head. Look forward to seeing the full coverage of the Cars and Coffee event in the following days!