EAWraps Grand Opening

Back on April 24th, Echelon Autosports hosted a grand-opening event in Scottsdale. Being the choice of many nice cars for wraps and other services via Vault Motorsport Group, the turnout was immense. There was a massive line of cars parked on both sides of the street, and within the limited parking inside the shop's property, every space was filled with tasteful eye-candy. 

Inside was no different. Their entire garage was open for everyone to eat and talk to people, with some of their projects proudly on display. It was a great way to meet old friends and make new connections, as well as see the various projects that were ongoing that would soon hit the streets.

The main indoor attraction was the raffle, which was handing out prizes such as coupons for Vault Motorsport work to passes for No Fly Zone. However, these drawings were every 5 minutes, allowing for plenty of time to wander outside. 

It's good that there was plenty of time to wander because the event went on for most of the day. Thus, people came and went, meaning the cars in the parking lot and cars that parked outside kept changing. It was a "best-of" opportunity for the automotive community. 

It was a great experience, finally being able to see EAWraps after seeing so many of their cars, as well as getting to know some of the people behind the wheels of them. 

Site Update!

Hello everyone! I will admit I have been inattentive to my website for the past two months, but I will rectify that starting this week. I've been keeping busy with various events, which you will see soon! Here's a preview of some of the photos I've taken in the past two months that need to be published: