A Very American (and Ironically JDM) July Cars and Coffee

This month's Gainey Ranch Cars and Coffee happened to coincide on a very important holiday for us 'Muricans: the 4th of July, our Independence Day. July in Arizona also happens to be very hot (as I'm writing this, my weather app says it's 47 degrees celsius/116 degrees Fahrenheit outside, at 2pm), since summer is now in full swing. So, a combination of a holiday weekend where people are either working a barbecue, swimming, drinking, or all three, combined with killer heat, means turnout for an outdoor car show in the morning isn't the best. Of course, this being the Gainey Ranch Cars and Coffee, "not the best" still means "quite amazing". 

So, 4th of July. I was hoping to see some cool American cars for the occasion, perhaps like the one month where fourteen (yes, 14, one-four, I even counted myself) Ford GTs made an appearance. However, instead, I got greeted by a (literal) JDM surprise: a white R32 GT-R and blue R32 GTS, with a gold R31 GTS, lowered 350Z, and boosted 300ZX alongside. Plus, the Nismo GT-R and Alpha 9 packaged GT-R made another appearance. 

I have to say, seeing the R31 and R32s made me happy. I know of other R32s and ER32s in the Valley as well, plus an R33. It's amazing how these cars have such a cult following, and that they're coming to the States en masse. The JDM scene stateside has found a wonderful new addition now that R32s are easier to acquire. Just imagine what the car scene here would have been like if they were imported from the get-go. But I'm still waiting until the R34 can be brought over, (relatively) hassle free. 2024, here we come!

But, past these JDM gems, the true colors of Gainey Ranch's Cars and Coffee showed: Rows of European exotic cars on one end and a row of Shelby/AC Cobras and other American muscle cars on the other, almost as if they're having a stare-off. Plus, there were even some "oddities", including a Citroën 2CV, which I found appropriate for the day since the French were instrumental in establishing this country.

By this time, I had probably sweat at least a liter of liquid from the heat, direct sunlight, and humidity from the remnants of a late-night storm. I was feeling pretty miserable. But, I was nearing the area where the "star car" of the show usually is. I have to say, Cars and Coffee has desensitized me to some cars. This month, the black Enzo made another appearance. I remember the first few times, I was super excited and pumped to see it and took a ton of pictures. This time though, probably inflamed by how hot and sweaty I was, how my friend said the Dustball Rally 918 Spyder would show up again, and the poor location of it in terms of getting good photos, I thought in my head "oh look, the Enzo, should I take pictures?". Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I no longer think an Enzo is cool or amazing, I'm just saying that because I've seen it so many times the shock-and-awe factor has disappeared and I can stare at it now without having the urge to take photos. It's stopped being that magical object that I will never see in my life to a completely real car that I can see and hear, and I can just soak in its lines and appreciate it at its true level as a car, not at some non-existent mythical fantasy level. And honestly, I like that feeling, because I feel if I'm too busy worshiping a car, I'll miss out on the true nature of it and I'll be unable to appreciate it fully. Now, if only I could get a proper photo shoot with it or ride along in it...

Walking to a second corner in the parking lot, a diverse group appeared. Although it was mostly populated by American cars, like Mustangs (and the very patriotic Mustang) and these two wonderful looking CTSVs, there were also some Japanese cars and even a Veloster. It was neat seeing all of the American cars that showed up that Saturday, which I'm hoping is because of Independence Day. Also, I caught an amusing vanity plate on an Alpha GT-R leaving the show, "GDZIRA". Oh, accents.

Now, you're probably wondering why I took photos of an Accord, and that's for personal reasons. My family owned a 1998 Honda Accord Coupe, a taffeta white V6 automatic, and as a kid I'd play around inside it all the time. Seeing a 6th gen Accord coupe around here is rare, and seeing one modified in a tasteful fashion with pride to show it off just struck a chord with me, one of those feelings you get that makes you smile but you can't articulate into words. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this kind of diversity at Cars and Coffee is what I love; all aspects of the car culture can come together and show off.

Walking back over to the main parking lot, I got a look at some more 'Murican muscle from bygone eras, as well as a Tesla Roadster, fitting for the day since it represents a potential future for automobiles, with an American brand leading the way. But then, an ER32 Skyline (sedan version of the R32 Skyline) rolled in. I started laughing to myself because of how much JDM was present at the meet, ironic since, you know, that thing almost 74 years ago, involving that harbor, named Pearl, with the ships, and the planes... But alas, it was cool to see these two large scenes of the car culture at the same show together.

The whole show was extremely diverse, evidenced when I walked further back in the parking lot. There were Impreza STIs sitting next to Mustangs sitting next to Corvettes. For example, this 2015 Mustang on airbags sat across from this Mk. IV Toyota Supra in pristine condition. And, walking around a little further, some very patriotic Shelby GT500s (all they needed was blue; red and white were covered) sat next to another Camaro and 2015 Mustang GT. It was extremely satisfying seeing a red-and-white-striped GT500 next to a white-and-red-striped GT500 parked next to each other because of how they were each others' opposite in color. 

But, either the heat or the 4th of July festivities got to people, because by 9:30, the entire parking lot was cleared out. I've never seen the show end so quickly before; usually it takes until 10:30 or 11 for the lot to clear. Alas, I hope that as winter comes, more great cars show up as more people can tolerate the outdoors, the snowbirds roll in and all of the students at ASU come back for school...

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