From the Archives: Austin's Celica Shoot II

A long, long time ago, I took more photos of my friend Austin's Celica. I say "more" because an even longer time ago, I took some photos of his Celica. Anyways, I took these additional photos of his Celica, but I never got around to editing and publishing them because school got super busy. But, here they now are.

Just because they're old photos doesn't mean they're useless. In fact, I found going through them enlightening on how much I've grown with lighting, composition, color, etc. Also, Lightroom and Photoshop don't care when the photos were taken, meaning I had new canvases to experiment with different editing styles. I experimented with more washed-out/lighter colors plus gradients to give more mood to the photos and to convey the heat and feelings of a summer sunset. Furthermore, I experimented with color, using warming filters and brown colors with gradients to enhance these effects. I definitely liked how these turned out, so hopefully I'll start doing more of this to broaden my styles.

I also got to see how I had no idea how external lighting worked, as seen in these next few photos. I relied on the little light in the day I had left for them, and when that disappeared, using the flash but not very well.

I think it's great to go back and look at your older work. You can see what worked, what didn't, what you still do, and how you've improved. Even though I felt like I've stagnated over the past year or so, I've seen that my efforts to try new things, and my overall photography skills, have actually improved. Hopefully this will also be the start of going through old photos (hence the "From the Archives" title), mainly because I do want to eventually get to my Monterey Car Week 2016 photos....