Absence, updates, and future

Hello friends and visitors,

You'll notice that again, I have disappeared from my website for a long period of time. I know it's becoming my go-to excuse, but it still remains true that balancing photography with life is difficult when life entails being a full-time mechanical engineering student that is also heavily involved in Formula SAE, finding a job/internship, and other campus activities. This is going to get much busier, too, since I will be starting my honors thesis next semester in addition to taking more difficult classes. How to balance this with photography? I honestly don't know. I do know that I wish to start shoots again, both portrait and automotive, because, even if they take a large amount of time, they're still fun and I do enjoy them. 

If you're here from my Instagram page, you'll see that I'm much more active there, simply because it's easier to upload a photo, add one of my several standard list of hashtags, and call it a day. But I know an Instagram page isn't serious enough for the work that I want to do.

As the new semester approaches, I've already made several internal commitments to activities that dropped out of my life in addition to photography. While I wish to commit more to updating this website, I fear again I will put it on the back burner. 

Alas, all I can really say is let's see what happens. Hopefully I will commit again to updating this website. I've been considering making it more of a personal website, too, where I can upload photography-related randomness since club and personal activities take up more and more photography time. Regardless, here is a selection of some of my favorite photos I have taken since my last post and now. You'll notice that many of these are now in my portfolio pages, as I have started to update them. There's a lot of work to be done here, and hopefully I will follow through.