Elijah's E36

This semester has been interesting for me because I switched from mechanical engineering at the Tempe ASU campus to Automotive Systems Engineering at the Polytechnic ASU campus. While the Polytech campus is far out there (a 30 minute drive from Tempe, with not too much around it), the benefit of the surrounding area being smaller is that there are many empty roads. Empty roads that make perfect photo locations. Since my morning class the next day was cancelled, I decided to test out these spots, and my friend Elijah came along with his brand new E36. I have more photos, however, these were taken before we decided to throw on the other two of his OEM BBS wheels in the rear (the tires were showing chords so he was riding on the ones that came with the car). 

Elijah told me that the E36 is one of his dream cars, and now that he has it, he plans on keeping it until it dies. For a car bought off of Craigslist for $1000, the car is in amazing condition, with functioning everything and a body in good condition. Although, for some reason, in all my photos, the green paintjob came out as blue; I've tried to correct for it in the pictures, but it didn't work for all of them. Regardless, the cloudy headlights are from him wet sanding the headlight covers to clear them up; he tells me that they are clear now. So, with new tires on the way, clear headlights, and other mods in the works, look forward to seeing more of Elijah's E36.

School's Over!

Well, my first year of college has ended, so now I should have free time to edit my pictures, especially since I thought I would be taking classes this summer and didn't look for a job, only to end up not taking classes, leaving me with all this free time. Expect to see many more posts!

The year went by fast, with all of time blurring together. Here's to carving out our roads to our future, where great things await.

Full res: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124240658@N06/17477375145/