Super Blood Moon

Sorry for the inactivity! School has been killer and I haven't had time to edit the 300+ photos I have from various car shows that have happened over the past month. However, last night was the Super Blood Moon, a lunar eclipse coinciding with a supermoon, which won't happen again until 2033. So, since this is a once-in-a-generation (roughly) event, I figured this was a good excuse to duck out of homework and responsibility to take pictures, edit them, and upload them. 

I used my kit 55-200mm zoom lens to take these photos. I don't have anything witha higher zoom, unfortunately, but here is what I got. The first three were taken on top of a parking garage, while the other three were taken in the courtyard of a dorm. If only I had access to a place with lower light pollution.... oh well. I used long exposures to capture the photos, so that way I wouldn't use too high of an ISO and get too much noise in the photos. It's interesting though how you can't use too long of an exposure, otherwise the movement of the earth and the moon cause a blur.