Northern Arizona

Arizona. What do you think of when you hear the name of this state? For most people that I know/have asked, it's usually one or a combination of these words: desert, hot, cactus, Grand Canyon, illegal immigration, Republicans, guns, and/or Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But the thing is, almost all of those words only deal with the Phoenix-Metro area in Arizona, which houses over 2/3rds of Arizona's 6.7 million people. So while it may apply for the majority of Arizonans, the Phoenix-Metro area is only around 23,500 square kilometers in area, compared to the 295,234 square kilometers in area that the whole state occupies. Thus, there is a LOT of Arizona that lies outside of this sphere that many people don't think about. 

Arizona is a beautiful state, politics aside. It's amazing how driving only an hour or so north already begins putting you in part of the other 272,000 square kilometers of the state that isn't a desert burning at God-forsaken temperatures like 115 degrees Fahrenheit (for the rest of the world, that's around 46 degrees Celsius, but you have to admit, the triple digit number makes it seem even more threatening and Hell-ish). But alas, as you move north, the shrubs and cacti of the desert make way for thicker, denser bushes, and then eventually, real trees that are dozens of feet tall, laying in areas surrounded by grass and greenery. All within an hour or two's worth of driving. Fun fact of the day: The Orre region in Pokemon was inspired by Phoenix and the rest of the state due to the diversity of biomes (dry, flat deserts, high-altitude mountain ranges, deep forests, etc). 

As stated in the preview post, I went on a trip with friends up north in Flagstaff. We were there for 5 days, hiking and going to various places up north to enjoy the beautiful views and weather. Up north, there are real rivers, like Oak Creek, that we visited. We also visited the Lava River Cave, which was wonderfully dark and mysterious, as well as cold (around freezing temperature in certian parts). However, I did not have a chance to take photos in either of these locations. But, I did snag some photos at this mountain, whose name I cannot find anywhere. Absolutely beautiful.

We also hiked on Fatman's Loop, a popular hiking trail located within Flagstaff. The difference in scenery was beautiful; it was wonderful seeing a trail littered with greenery and tall trees, as well as clear, blue skies and forest all around. Sometimes I had to remind myself I was still in the same state. It's just so different from home.

Northern Arizona is beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I think the desert is beautiful and amazing as well, but each area has its own aesthetic that makes it beautiful. Although, the lower temperatures, pleasant breeze, and fewer people are also very nice. Sometimes, a change in scenery is wonderful.

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